Aesthetics & Hill Country

(512) 572-1280

Body & Mind

(512) 572-6634
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Aesthetics & Hill Country

(512) 572-1280

Body & Mind

(512) 572-6634

Treatment Areas

We treat all these issues at the root cause.

  • Health Optimization
  • Gut Health
  • Metabolism
  • Adrenals & Stress
  • PCOS
  • Skin Health
  • Autoimmune
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Brain & Mood
  • Hormone Balance
  • Thyroid
  • Allergies

Functional health coaching is a transformative journey towards optimal health and wellness, uniquely tailored to each individual's needs. By focusing on the root causes of health issues rather than just addressing symptoms, functional health coaching offers a comprehensive, holistic approach to well-being. Here's a closer look at how functional health coaching, comprehensive lab analysis, and genetic testing can significantly benefit patients at Saving Face in Austin, Texas.

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Functional Health Coaching: Unlocking Personalized Wellness

Functional health coaching goes beyond traditional health advice. It's a partnership between patient and coach that empowers individuals to make sustainable lifestyle changes. This approach integrates various aspects of health, including:

  • Diet and Nutrition: Tailoring nutritional plans to address deficiencies, intolerances, and support overall health.
  • Exercise and Physical Activity: Developing personalized exercise programs that fit the individual's lifestyle and enhance physical wellness.
  • Stress Management: Techniques to manage stress and its impact on the body, including mindfulness, meditation, and other relaxation strategies.
  • Sleep Hygiene: Improving sleep patterns and addressing issues like insomnia for better rest and recovery.
  • Detoxification: Identifying environmental and dietary toxins affecting health and implementing strategies to reduce exposure and enhance the body's detoxification processes.

Functional Health Coaching: Unlocking Personalized Wellness

Functional health coaching goes beyond traditional health advice. It's a partnership between patient and coach that empowers individuals to make sustainable lifestyle changes. This approach integrates various aspects of health, including:

  • Diet and Nutrition: Tailoring nutritional plans to address deficiencies, intolerances, and support overall health.
  • Exercise and Physical Activity: Developing personalized exercise programs that fit the individual's lifestyle and enhance physical wellness.
  • Stress Management: Techniques to manage stress and its impact on the body, including mindfulness, meditation, and other relaxation strategies.
  • Sleep Hygiene: Improving sleep patterns and addressing issues like insomnia for better rest and recovery.
  • Detoxification: Identifying environmental and dietary toxins affecting health and implementing strategies to reduce exposure and enhance the body's detoxification processes.

Comprehensive Lab Analysis: A Deeper Insight into Your Health

The cornerstone of functional medicine is the use of comprehensive lab analysis. This in-depth examination goes beyond standard tests to provide a detailed view of your health, including:

  • Nutrient Deficiencies: Identifying specific vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant deficiencies that can affect everything from energy levels to immune function.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Assessing levels of key hormones related to stress, metabolism, and reproductive health to identify imbalances that could be contributing to health issues.
  • Inflammatory Markers: Detecting signs of chronic inflammation, which is linked to a host of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune conditions.
  • Digestive Health: Analyzing markers for digestive function, gut flora imbalances, and potential food sensitivities or allergies that can impact overall health.

Genetic Testing: Personalizing Your Health Strategy

Genetic testing offers invaluable insights into how your body responds to nutrients, environmental factors, and medications. This personalized approach can help with:

  • Disease Risk Assessment: Identifying genetic predispositions to diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, allowing for early intervention and preventive measures.
  • Nutrigenomics: Understanding how your genes affect your body's response to nutrients can tailor dietary recommendations to optimize health.
  • Pharmacogenomics: Determining how your body metabolizes medications can help in selecting the most effective and least harmful treatments.
  • Personalized Fitness: Designing fitness programs that align with your genetic makeup, maximizing the benefits of exercise.
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Why Choose Saving Face?

Expert Guidance: Our team of licensed practitioners and functional health experts are dedicated to your well-being.

Tailored Health Plans: Based on detailed lab analyses, we create personalized programs that address your unique health needs.

Comprehensive Support: From initial intake to follow-up, we provide ongoing support to ensure your health journey is successful.

Join Us on Your Journey to Optimal Health

Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, happier you? Sign up for an appointment today and discover how functional health coaching at Saving Face can transform your life. With our commitment to your well-being and a comprehensive approach to health, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your health goals. Welcome to the future of healthcare—personalized, comprehensive, and designed just for you.

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The Journey of Alex to Wellness Through Functional Health Coaching

Alex's story is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of functional health coaching on individuals facing chronic health issues. At 35, Alex was dealing with a myriad of health problems, including digestive discomfort, unexplained fatigue, and persistent skin issues, which significantly affected their quality of life. Despite following conventional medical advice, taking prescribed medications, and attempting to maintain a healthy diet, Alex saw little improvement. It was a constant struggle, filled with frustration and a feeling of hopelessness.

Discovering Functional Health Coaching

The turning point came when Alex learned about functional health coaching through a friend who had seen remarkable improvements in her own health. Intrigued by the idea that a more personalized approach could offer solutions, Alex decided to reach out to a functional health coach specializing in comprehensive lab analysis and genomics.

The Initial Steps

Alex's journey began with an in-depth evaluation, covering medical history, lifestyle, dietary habits, and previous treatments. This holistic assessment was eye-opening, revealing the complexity of Alex's condition through a new lens. The comprehensive lab analysis went beyond the standard tests Alex had undergone before, delving into detailed bloodwork, hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, and genetic predispositions.

Uncovering the Unique Path to Healing

The results were enlightening. Alex learned that their body reacted negatively to certain "healthy" foods, including broccoli, due to specific genetic markers. This revelation challenged the one-size-fits-all notion of nutrition and highlighted the importance of personalized dietary recommendations.

Additionally, the in-depth analysis uncovered a hormonal imbalance and a significant vitamin D deficiency, factors that were previously overlooked but critical to Alex's symptoms. The functional health coach used this information to tailor a comprehensive, individualized health plan, focusing on dietary adjustments, supplementation, stress management techniques, and gentle exercise suited to Alex's unique genetic makeup and health status.

The Journey to Wellness

Embarking on this personalized health journey was not without its challenges, but with the support of their functional health coach, Alex began to see significant improvements. The dietary changes, based on the comprehensive analysis, led to a noticeable reduction in digestive issues and an increase in energy levels. The tailored supplement regimen helped address the nutrient deficiencies, and Alex's skin started to clear up for the first time in years.

Over several months, Alex's overall health transformed. Not only did their physical symptoms improve, but they also experienced a profound shift in their mental and emotional well-being. The holistic, personalized approach of functional health coaching provided Alex with the tools and knowledge to maintain their health improvements long-term.


Alex's journey underscores the core principles of functional health: we are all unique, and a personalized approach is essential in achieving optimal health. Comprehensive lab work and genomics are critical tools in understanding our individual needs, allowing us to move beyond generic health advice to find what truly works for each person. Alex's story is a powerful reminder that, by looking holistically at our health and embracing the uniqueness of our bodies, healing and wellness are within reach.

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Functional Health Coach FAQs

What happens before my first appointment?

How will you make your recommendations?

Can a Functional Health Coach help me lose weight?

Is a Functional Health Coach the same as a dietitian or a nutritionist?

Do you take insurance?

How does functional health coaching differ from conventional medicine?

What kind of lab tests are involved?

How can genetic testing benefit me?

What does a personalized health plan include?

How long does it take to see results?

Can functional health coaching help with chronic diseases?

How do I get started with functional health coaching?

What happens before my first appointment?

One your intake appointment has been booked, you will receive a confirmation email or text letting you know next steps. You will be sent a Functional Health Questionnaire that needs to be completed and returned to Saving Face at least 72 hours before your Intake Appointment. This will give our team of providers enough time to review your information and help get to know you better. Your first appointment will involve a detailed discussion about your health history, lifestyle, and goals. You may also undergo comprehensive lab testing to provide insight into your health status. This information will be used to develop a personalized health plan.

How will you make your recommendations?

A Functional Health Coach takes a uniquely fact-based approach to your overall wellness, and analysis is the name of the game when it comes to making recommendations that will truly unlock your fullest health potential. We’ll analyze information like your hormone levels, your bloodwork, your diet, and more, so we can understand exactly why you’re feeling the way you feel and guide you to a sense of total wellness that sees you maximizing your overall quality of life.

Can a Functional Health Coach help me lose weight?

The short answer is yes…but a better answer is that your functional health coach can help you lose weight, and more! A functional health coach is here to help you reach all wellness goals that you might have. Whether this means finding a way to sleep better, losing weight ahead of beach season, or figuring out why you seem to feel congested all the time, your functional health coach will work closely with you to get to the root causes of your wellness frustrations and chart a course to comprehensive well-being.

Is a Functional Health Coach the same as a dietitian or a nutritionist?

Not exactly. Nutritionists and dieticians come from very specific training backgrounds, and their expertise tends to focus squarely on issues related to dietary intake and nutrition. Your Functional Health Coach, on the other hand, will consider these factors and more, approaching your overall sense of wellness from a much more comprehensive and holistic perspective.

Do you take insurance?

We do not take insurance and require payment on the same day as your service. An invoice is provided once payment is completed that you could submit to your insurance for reimbursement if you desire. Another option is through Cherry, our patient financing vendor. Our staff can help you walk through the steps to see your qualifying amount.

How does functional health coaching differ from conventional medicine?

Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses on symptom management and acute care, functional health coaching aims to uncover the underlying causes of illness. It uses comprehensive lab analyses, lifestyle assessments, and personalized interventions to promote optimal health and prevent disease.

What kind of lab tests are involved?

Lab tests can include comprehensive blood panels, hormonal tests, nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, and more. These tests help identify imbalances or issues that could be contributing to your symptoms or health concerns.

How can genetic testing benefit me?

Genetic testing offers insights into your predisposition for certain health conditions and how your body may respond to different foods, supplements, and medications. This information allows for even more personalized health recommendations.

What does a personalized health plan include?

A personalized health plan may include dietary recommendations, supplement protocols, exercise suggestions, stress management techniques, and other lifestyle adjustments tailored to your specific needs and health goals.

How long does it take to see results?

The time to see results can vary depending on your individual health status and how closely you follow your personalized plan. Some patients notice improvements within a few weeks, while others may see more gradual changes over several months.

Can functional health coaching help with chronic diseases?

Yes, functional health coaching is designed to support individuals with a variety of health concerns, including chronic diseases. By addressing the root causes of these conditions, patients can often improve their symptoms and overall quality of life.

How do I get started with functional health coaching?

Getting started is easy! Simply contact our office to schedule your initial consultation. During this appointment, we'll discuss your health concerns, goals, and how functional health coaching can help you achieve optimal wellness.

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