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Aesthetics & Hill Country

(512) 572-1280

Body & Mind

(512) 572-6634

Ultherapy: Lift and Tighten without Downtime

Do you spend time in the mirror holding your cheeks and jawline up and back thinking, “If only my face looked like this, not different, just lifted?” If this rings a bell,  but you don’t want surgery or downtime, Ulthera is your answer. Ultherapy is the only treatment the FDA has indicated for lifting. In 2009, the FDA indicated Ultherapy for a 1-3mm brow lift and then in 2012 for a submental/neck lift. Conversely, other devices are approved for difficult to measure indications like “rejuvenation” and “tightening.”

What sets Ultherapy apart from other technologies is that the energy delivered is micro-focused and bypasses the top layer of the skin. This means that as the ultrasound waves cross in different layers of the skin, precise heat is delivered at specific depths: 4.5mm, 3mm and sometimes 1.5mm depending on your goals. These heat deposits trigger an immune response in the skin and elastin, fibrogen and collagen production is initiated.  Fibers bundle together more tightly and over a period of 3-9 months, a visible lift of the surface skin, as well as improved texture, results. This is due to the natural physiological contraction down deep plus a big time infusion of new collagen. 

One treatment is the usual recommendation but two may be necessary for clients with extensive volume or laxity that would be suitable surgical candidates yet cannot or will not undergo surgery. Maintenance treatments may be recommended every 2-5 years.  

Ultherapy is safe for any skin tone or color and can be used for most everyone including those prone to infection, scarring and discoloration as the therapy does not compromise the protective quality of the epidermis. This no downtime choice is best for patients with crepey skin, lines around the mouth, eyelid laxity, jowling, neck sagging, lines on the decolletage and so much more. Come visit us to see if you’re a candidate!

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