Aesthetics & Hill Country

(512) 572-1280

Body & Mind

(512) 572-6634
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Aesthetics & Hill Country

(512) 572-1280

Body & Mind

(512) 572-6634
woman with blue eyes touching the sides of her face


Modern day lasers use a precise and fractionated approach to deliver heat and target chromophores to rejuvenate treated skin. This technology is exciting because the practitioner can knit the fractionated heat deposits more closely together or further apart as well as increasing or decreasing their size to result in a more or less intense treatment. Less intensive laser resurfacing (with minimal downtime) can be repeated up to 6 times on a monthly basis or until desired results are achieved whereas more aggressive laser resurfacing may only need to be done once every several years. Results will be seen after one treatment but continue to develop for 6 months to a year after the last laser resurfacing treatment.

Because of superficial heat delivery and targeting of water, melanin and hemoglobin, laser light technology continues to be a safe, efficacious option to boost our skin that may allow for less use of filler and neuromodulators. If you have sun damage in the form of crepey skin, fine lines and wrinkles, brown and red discoloration and would benefit from overall skin rejuvenation come meet Claire to discuss how an Erbium laser may serve you.

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