Creating The Jawline (again!)
In most cases, we at Saving Face are trying to get rid of lines, but in this case, we are creating one…
As we age we begin to age, our face creates fatty deposits and loose skin begins to hang on our jaw line (jowls). The back of the jaw bone starts to recess and we lose definition.
With the correct placement of HA Fillers or Sculptra, we can build the jaw line back up and begin to camouflage the sagging skin. Using a blunt tip micro-cannula is the ideal method of treating this area for women and men to build up stronger more angular jaw lines. A more traditional method is best here.
Jaw line rejuvenation is great coupled with Kybella to decrease submental fat in order to enhance the front angle of the jaw and the chin.
Come visit us to perfect your jawline today!