
Hyperhidrosis: Excessive Sweating

Botox is a neuromodulator that is used for many therapeutic purposes. For almost 30 years treating a wide variety of conditions including tremors, bladder spasms, TMJ, and migraines. In 2004, the FDA approved Botox for the treatment of excessive sweating, known as...

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Creating The Jawline (again!)

In most cases, we at Saving Face are trying to get rid of lines, but in this case, we are creating one…As we age we begin to age, our face creates fatty deposits and loose skin begins to hang on our jaw line (jowls). The back of the jaw bone starts to recess and we lose de...

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Now more than ever in the age of selfies, Skype, and FaceTime, a double chin and sagging jaw line is the bane of our existence. With the announcement of Kybella, an FDA approved, fat lycing injectable for the sub-mental fat, there is hope.  Kybella is the first of it&...

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The New Natural: Enhancing Beauty Without Overdoing It

Now that we are over the judgement of injectables, see “the truth about Saving Face”, let's talk about the New Natural. Just the other day a client and I were talking and she said, “Botox is just now a part of my to do lists, just like getting my hai...

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tear trough filler results

The Tear Trough…

A tricky, yet gratifying place to fill- the tear trough. If eyes are the windows to the soul, you want them to be as close to perfect as possible.  Genetics play a huge role in the shape and structure of your face… If you have lower eye bags, or sunken in eyes w...

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Move over Prozac….here comes Botox!!!

Theories about Botox curing depression have circulated the psychological and scientific communities for years, but recent studies are beginning to prove them true. I am not one to quote Darwin, but as far back as the 17th century, Charles suggested that facial muscles aren'...

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Brotox: The Rise of Male Interest in Anti-Aging

My motto for women is, “look good, feel good, to do good”, and for men, “DO good to feel good and they don't care how they look”, OR DO THEY????“BROTOX”, more and more people are beginning to recognize this term used to name Botox tr...

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Sculptra: Then and Now

Let's begin by recognizing what Sculptra is and how it works. Scultpra is composed of a synthetic product called Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which has been widely used for decades in dissolvable sutures and soft tissue implants. The FDA originally approved PLLA for the treat...

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Surgery Vs. Liquid Face Lift

Surgery Vs. Liquid FaceliftThe answer is written all over your face.Many times a week I have clients who come in, sit in my chair, and say to me, “all I see when I look in the mirror is my mother”, and when that happens, it might be time for an intervention. &...

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The Importance of a Strong Foundation

This is the current remodel going on in my house and the first thing we had to do before we started anything was???? Check the foundation! The model is just a representation of a great foundation!!Bone is the primary foundation of the face, and you can easily see in the...

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