
skincare products

Turn Back the Hands of Time: Take 2

Hand rejuvenation with filler is not just a trend and it is not new. (See our blog from 2016.) The FDA approved Radiesse for hands in 2015 but a new indication for hands with hyaluronic acid, Restylane Lyft, is energizing the conversation. It results from the understanding that i...

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people holding a baby

I'm Back!

Like or not, the expression “Work life balance”, is real in any parents world. I cannot express how valuable my 3 months off for maternity leave was. I was able to bond with my new baby and help my 3 year old transition to big sister.Now it's back to work and...

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Help Us Help You NOT Bruise

Below the surface of the skin on your face exist thousands of arteries, veins and capillaries supplying the tissues with vital nutrients and oxygen.  They are the reason why an injury to the face will profusely bleed but also quickly heal. Anytime we introduce a (wonde...

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Saving Face introduces the Good Vibe Tribe

Good Vibe Tribe came to fruition as a result of counting our blessings. At Saving Face the whole team realizes how incredibly blessed we are and we started to brainstorm ways that we could give back.  The idea was born that we could utilize our skills and connections t...

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Gratitude Is THE Attitude

Thanksgiving is right around the corner again and hopefully gratitude is more on your mind and in your heart. With perfection self plastered all over social media, our real time demands and constraints, and the culture of society today, it is easy to get caught up in the work-a-d...

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Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

The Anti-Aging Trilogy?SexNew research finds that having sex as least once a week slows aging in women! Having fun between the sheets lengthens the telomeres on DNA strands and is associated with slower aging, longer lifespans and better health! You don't even have to be &l...

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Sleep — The PROVEN Fountain of Youth

Too often, in our hyper scheduled, very busy lives, sleep is not a priority. The saying, “I'll sleep when I’m dead,” is known for a reason. There are things we want to do, that we need to do in life and we only have limited time. We get it.So why do w...

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CBD, the 21st century solution to stress?

As we begin our journey on the Holistic approach to anti-aging, I want to start with the most important factor that contributes to our aging, STRESS.Stress is something we all come in contact with one day or another, or many combined in a row…. Whether you are a full time...

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Saving Face's Top Anti-Aging Superfoods For Your Skin

At Saving Face, our motto is, “You have to look good to feel good to do good.” We believe true beauty starts within, tracing all the way to your nutrition.Most people don't think about food and it’s effect on the quality of our skin in the short- and long...

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Introducing our Integrative Aging Blog Series

Here at Saving Face we know that it takes more than neurotoxin and fillers to prevent and manage aging. While our wheel house is injectables and we LOVE their ability to enhance your natural features-and take years off your face-it's important that your treatments here are...

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